Who is afraid to cross the Mackinac Bridge? How does this fear affect them?
The people that are afraid to cross the Mackinac Bridge are both sex some times it's a man, other time a woman. It can be a young person, bt just as often it's an older adult. At times, a person on motorcycle can't get across. Sometimes even truck drivers have to ask someone to take their rigs across.
What are the results of a phobia?
The results of a phobia are some fear heights. Others dread entering wide-open places. Still others are afraid of being closed into small spaces. Many are afraid to fly in airplanes.Dirt and germs are some people's biggest fear. They don't want to touch anything, however clean, for fear of gettingsick.Others are afraid of animals, like cats or snakes.Others are afraid of animals, like cats or snakes.
How can childhood events lead to phobias?
Childhood events can leads to phobias as terrified at the sound of running water. Also childrens soemtimes had gone on a picnic with the family so when they go to the river and trapper by the water's strong current they can not get out. In addition, what started as a shock from one event can become fear of many things or ideas. For example, a small boy scared by a dog might grow up to fear all dogs and cats.
How can people with phobias learn to live with them?
People with phobias can learn to live with them because they get help from doctors to get over a fear little by little and the things that they're afraid of take other methods that can help them and at the same time take that phobia out of their mind thinking about other things.
Many people have strong fears, called phobias, that greatly affect their lives. This is the main idea of the article. List at least five details that support this main idea.
Five details that support this main idea are, flying,water, height, animal and wide-open.
Would reading this article help someone with phobia?
Reading this article would help someone with phobia because, it gives examples on how people can get over with it and the methods that offers.
People suffer from many kinds of phobias.
- Some fear heights.
- dread entering wide- open places.
- Others afraid of being closed into small spaces.
- Many are afraid to fly in airplanes.
- Afraid of animals like cats or snakes.
1- People wanted to travel between two parts of Michigan, so a bridge was built.
People wanted to travel between two parts of Michigan.
They built or construct a bridge.
2- When some people panic on the bridge, they freeze.
Some people panic on the bridge.
They freeze.
3- A driver comes to help when people stop their cars on the bridge.
A driver comes to help.
When people stop their cars on the bridge.
4- Sometimes people have bad experiences as children and they develop phobias.
Sometimes people have bad experiences.
As children they develop phobias.
5- Some people get rid of their phobias because they work bit by bit to get over their fear.
Some people get rid of their phobias.
They work bit by bit to get over their fear.
Context Clues: Definition and Restatement
1- Phobias are fears that are irrational, that is, not logical.
Irrational means: Not consistent with or using reason.
2- One of the most common phobias is claustrophobia-the fear of closed places.
Claustrophobia is: The fear of being in a closed space.
3- A person with that phobia would feel great anxiety, or nervousness, in a small room.
Anxiety is: A nervous disorder characterized by a state of excessive uneasiness.
4- Some people have acrophobia, that is, the fear of crowds.
Acrophobia is: Fear of high places.
5- Those people may not be able to walk down a congested (crowded) street.
Congested means: overfull as with blood.
Writing Activity:
Pretend that you are an advice columnist. Write a short piece of advice to someone who is afraid of heights. Use at least four of the words you learned from the reading.
As a advice columnist the advice that I can give someone who is afraid of heights is that when I was little I used to have phobia of heights so I went to the doctor so he introdused me in special claces to get rid of it. Moreover, the same advise I give to the people who is in the same situation with acrophobia.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008

"A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything". Malcom X believed in using more agressive measures in the fight for civil rights. He was born May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska. His father, a Baptist minister, was an out spoken follower of Marcous Garvey (1887-1940), the black nationalist leader. He supported a "back to Africa" movement for African Americans. During Malcom's early years his family moved several times because of racism.
Malcom X began to study Muhammad's teachings and to practice the religion faithfully. Soon became the most popular national spokesman for the Black Muslims. His debating talents against white and black opponents helped spread the movement's message who fough for civil rights.At this time in the United states there was a major movement for racial integration, ojn bringing the races together in peace.He believed that civil rights made in America a lot to almost nothing. He used nonviolent methods in order to achieve integration. Malcom X called for self- defence in the face of white violence. In his childhood his mother became mentally ill, Malcom was sent to a foster home. The children were divided among several families, and Malcom lived in various state institutions and boardinghouses. At thirteen Malcom was charged with failure behaving in a way that was against the law and was sent to a juvenile detention home. He dropped out of school at age of Fifteen.
Malcom's accomplishment did not end there. In 1957 urged black people to give up the Christian religion.He preached that high crime rate in black communities was a result of African Americans following the lifestyle of western,white society. His charismatic personality also attracted the attention of white media.
In 1965 Malcom X died been shot by a black man " we are in a world where our liders are made of flesh and blood" meaning they give their best of their lifes sacrifiying themselves for their people and getting almost nothing for it transforming them as a hero or a soldier for their country.
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