"A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything". Malcom X believed in using more agressive measures in the fight for civil rights. He was born May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska. His father, a Baptist minister, was an out spoken follower of Marcous Garvey (1887-1940), the black nationalist leader. He supported a "back to Africa" movement for African Americans. During Malcom's early years his family moved several times because of racism.
Malcom X began to study Muhammad's teachings and to practice the religion faithfully. Soon became the most popular national spokesman for the Black Muslims. His debating talents against white and black opponents helped spread the movement's message who fough for civil rights.At this time in the United states there was a major movement for racial integration, ojn bringing the races together in peace.He believed that civil rights made in America a lot to almost nothing. He used nonviolent methods in order to achieve integration. Malcom X called for self- defence in the face of white violence. In his childhood his mother became mentally ill, Malcom was sent to a foster home. The children were divided among several families, and Malcom lived in various state institutions and boardinghouses. At thirteen Malcom was charged with failure behaving in a way that was against the law and was sent to a juvenile detention home. He dropped out of school at age of Fifteen.
Malcom's accomplishment did not end there. In 1957 urged black people to give up the Christian religion.He preached that high crime rate in black communities was a result of African Americans following the lifestyle of western,white society. His charismatic personality also attracted the attention of white media.
In 1965 Malcom X died been shot by a black man " we are in a world where our liders are made of flesh and blood" meaning they give their best of their lifes sacrifiying themselves for their people and getting almost nothing for it transforming them as a hero or a soldier for their country.
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