Together students and teacher during the modeling, students observe what writers do when revising a draft as they reread and write. They will begin to explore the techniques that writers use such as, rearranging or clarifying words or sentences. Students then apply the techniques by continuing the draft independently. On the other hand teachers model the writing process for their classes can see the light surrounded moments in the students faces as they think of ways to apply what is being demonstrated in their own writing.
Students devote their best strategies to comprehend, interpret,evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on their informal experience, their interactions with other standards of observation and techniques they adjust their use of spoken, writing, and visual language to communicate with a group of audiences and for different purposes such as, continuing the draft independently.
Teachers apply their best knowledge teaching directly and clearly in response to students needs carefully demonstrating especially showing how clearly explaining. Teachers give their best that they can to students to do well, they first have to show them how. Second writing out loud with students give enjoyment for the writing process. Third students modeled their draft creativities to the audience.
A final occupation and devote strategies between students and teachers in modeling style is that students during modeling career begin to investigate and at the same time learn from writers experience. Although teachers give their best knowledge of teaching to show students draft styles design independently with their own creativities.
To conclude, the strategies of students and teachers in modeling styles their observations and teaching experience apply their experiences comparison to communicate with a variety of audiences demonstrating their independently draft designs.
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