Wednesday, February 13, 2008


1. What might be Mme. Loisel's thoughts and feelings right after she learns that the diamond necklace was only a paste?
Mme.Loisel's thoughts and feelings might be right after she learns that the diamond necklace was only a paste was that meybe she felt angry or stupid because she spent 10 year for working very hard just to pay a fake neckclace or she learn in life what is really important in life learning the balue of working hard.

2. How does Madame Loise changes as a result of her experiences?
Madame Loisel changes as a result of her experiences is that she would have to tell the truth and never lie and not to be vaine with her self. Also she learn the value of her self on everything to be satisfied with her self.

3. Madame Loisel pays dearly for losing the necklace. Do you think that experience ruins her life or saves her life? Explain your answer.
I think that experience saves her life since,now she had an example on how not to be the same greedy person that she was before. Also she learn to appreciate what she has and learned from her mistakes to become a better person.

4. The literary critic Edward D. Sullivan declares that "The Necklace" is showing that in people's lives "blind chance rules". Do you agree or disagree? cite evidence to support your opinion.
I agree because Mme Loisel was the kind of person that only thinks on her self.
Also just in one night she lost everything that she had before.

5. Suppose that Madame Loisel had not lost the necklace. On the basis of her feelings and actions in the story, what do you think her future would have been like?

I think madame Liosel future will have been like the same greedy person that she was before, and never change. Also she would married a diffrent rich man since she never love him.

6. Do people still chase after wealth and social status today? Explain.

People still chase after wealth and social status today because now people think money is more important than anything.
7. What do you think Madame Loisel's life will be like now that she has paid off her debt and found real value of the necklace?

I think Madame Loisel's life will be like now that she has paid off her debt and found the real value of the necklace will be that she will had sell the necklace and get all her husband saving's and had her life like she wanted to be.

8. Analyze Madame Loisel and Monsieur Loisel' characteristics.

Madame Loisel characteristic is pretty, selfless, greedy, vain, want to be rich.Also felt like she deserves more than a little clerk in the ministry of education.

9. SYMBOLISM: What does the necklace symbolize in the story?
The necklace is the symbol of wealth, social class and richness.

10. From which point of view is the story told? Explain.
The story is told by the narrator.

11. What is the main conflict in the story?
The main conflict in the story is Eventhough she is not rich but she things that dosent belong in her secial class and wants more living a life that she dosen't have.

12. What is the theme of the story?

The theme of the story is vanity is the enemy of logic.

13. What is the moral of this story?

The moral of the story is not to be greedy and appreciate what you have.

14. Outline the events in "The Necklace" that form:

* EXPOSITION: Is when it says she was a charming young lady married to a minor clerck and having a middle class life.

* RISING ACTION: When her husband brought the necklace.

* CLIMAX : The climax is when Madame Loisel lost the necklace.

* FALLING ACTION: When Madame's husband sold all his savings accounts.

* RESOLUTION : When they found out that the necklace was "paste".

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