Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The Underground Railroad was a highly organized system.
Many of those involved in the Underground Railroad were,
Free blacks.
Why would the escape of a small percentage of slaves cause so much trouble?
The owners would not let them go and they new who were their slaves.
Harriet Tubman was not important to the Underground Railroad.

How did the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 affect escaped slaves?
Anyone caught helping the runaways could be prosecuted. The runaway slaves themselves were no longer safe just getting to the northern states. Their journeys suddenly became longer and even more dangerous. Now they had to make it across the border to Canada.
The first Canadian African American newspaper was produced by,
Josiah Henson
What might have happened if the Underground Railroad hadn't existed?
It might happen that the slaves wouldn't have no way to scape since the Railroad was the only secret to run away.
Why did so many escaped slaves move to Canada?
The Underground Railroad didn't stop until it reached the border.


You are a member of the Underground Railroad. A small group of runaway slaves has come to your home to be hidden. All goes well until a neighbor who is not sympathetic to the cause becomes suspicious. What do you do?

If a neighbor who is not sympathetic to the cause becomes suspicious the first step that I will do is before oppening the door make sure that all the runaway slaves are in a special safe place were no one could find them.The second step that I would do is act normal and relax like I am not hidden something for no one but at the same time make sure that person dosen't search my house around were the slaves are situated.

If you were a slave who was planning to runaway, what kind of plans would you make? How would you know when the time was right to leave?

If I were a slave who was planing to runaway the kind of plans that I would make is come through my mind is the "Undergroung railroad" since that was the word and the truth that all slaves believed. The second plan is follow the instructions of those who guided the runing aways along the highly secret system of the underground railroad which call themselves "conductors". I would know when the time was right to leave at night spreading on the wind down to the riverbank resting without fear covering my selflike a blanket as I skept meaning that nobody could buy or sell me. The river might be covered in fog and hidden deep in the mist on the shore, a running away could clearly hear the bell that I could follow its ringing all the way over and to a safe house.

SLAVER: A dealer in or an owner of slaves.

  • A slaver person treat bad his slaves.

DANGEROUS: Full of danger or risk; causing danger.

  • Global warming is dangerous for our environment.

SUCCESSFUL: Having attained wealt, position, honors, or the like.

  • I am successful in my spanish class.

YOKE: A device for joining together a pair of draft animals, esp. oxen, usually consisting of a crosspiece with two bow-shaped pieces, each enclosing the head of an animal.

  • The farm has a group of yoke.

ACTUALLY: As an actual or existing fact; really.

  • Regents are actually important.

TREASURE: Wealth or riches stored or accumulated, esp. in the form of precious metals, money, jewels, or plate.

  • Rich people have a lot of treasure in the bank.

EXTREMELY: Most remote in any direction; outermost or farthest.

  • Outside is extremely cold.

IDUSTRIOUS: working energetically and devotedly.

  • An industrious person is so dedicated.

RUNAWAY: A person who runs away; fugitive; deserter.

  • Some slaves runaway under their secret system.

FORMER: Preceding in time; prior or earlier.

  • My father wakes up early to former to work.

VARIOUS: Marked by or exhibiting variety or diversity.

  • Various experiments have not proved his theory.

BONDAGE: The state of being bound by or subjected to some external power or control.

  • The bondage of the box does a great job.

TRICKLE: To flow or fall by drops, or in a small, gentle stream.

  • Tears trickled down her cheeks.

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